The Ricks Family

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Renee Says Week 2...

This week I don't have many to share but the ones I do are pretty funny.

We were getting ready to leave the house and Mike was taking the kids by himself (always an adventure) so he went to each child on their own and made sure they knew what the rules were going to be and to made sure they obeyed him. Mike told renee "I need you to mind me" Renee says..."remind you what???"

Pop and Nanny came over to spend the evening with us and to help in the yard (YAY!! Thanks for the help!). This time when Nanny came she brought Renee a shower cap to wear in the bath tub. She gave her the shower cap a couple of hours before bath time. So when bath time came Renee went up to nanny and Renee said... "Nanny where is my handicap?" Then she continued calling it her handicap all night.

Renee was helping clean and we were cleaning with vinegar (which Mike hates) and she said "Mom, I smell stinky" I said "You do? What is it?" She said "I smell it with my nose. Here smell my nose" and proceeded to stick her nose to my face.

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