The Ricks Family

Monday, May 21, 2012

Renee's Birthday Party

We had a great time at Renee's birthday party. It is always nice to have our friends and family together. Now that we have the space we can do it more often. The boys got to run and play. While the girls got it sit back and chat. The parent's were able to get a break. :)

Mickey Mouse Cookies

Brooke with baby Logan.
Thank you Brooke for taking pictures for me all day. :)
Baby Turner
Baby Aiden
We have had 3 best friends have babies in the last 4 months.
Makes for fun times and always someone to hold. 
Girl time.
Gray, Audrey, Renee
Getting favor bags for the piƱata.

Destiny is ready to catch the candy.

I'm not sure who was more happy about the presents, every gift was "OHHH Renee,
WOW, what is it?!?" so cute.
Thank you Audrey for my Mickey and Minney shirt.

My favorite gifts are the ones that come in the small boxes. :)

Today was Mike's birthday. So I saved the last gift for him to open.
Renee almost cried cuz she thought that is was for her and he was
opening it. So she opened it for him. :) It is a thermostat. LOL
Ever since we have been house shopping he has been wanting this thing. It
is more of a tech thing I guess. He is trying to explain why it is so awesome.
Trying to sell everyone on it. It is called a "Nest".
Boys playing in our new yard. So glad we have plenty of room to run.
The family. Wesley was being so funny. He was squealing too.

Enjoy your Monday!


  1. LOVE that last picture!!! love you guys!! Precious family!!

  2. Love this! Happy Birthday Renee!
